Unforgettable: Claire at Seventy

Unforgettable Claire St.Clair

This scrapbook created by Doria Gibbons was presented to my mother, Claire Gibbons St.Clair at her 70th birthday celebration in Murfreesboro, TN, October 1994. Memory were submitted by Uncle Bob, Aunt Hattie, Aunt Aileen, Chris Holden, Monica & Rich Kinas, Aunt Kathleen, Aunt Betty, Dorothy Essex, Milanne Sundell, Bernice Clinton, Margaret Marston, Doria Gibbons, Jack Gibbons, Jeff Gibbons, Heather Gibbons, David Essex, Emily Jackson, Gena Rivers, Karin ?, Casey, JoLee, Susan Brooks, Lee Honey.

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Robert Gibbons Story

Robert Gibbons (top)

No date, no citation. This clipping was in Claire Gibbons St.Clair’s scrapbook. She sure was proud of her siblings!

The article celebrates Robert Gibbon’s story being included in the Best American Short Stories of 1949. Notable in this clipping in the references to Uncle Bob’s short stories, some of which are named by title: The Departure of Hubbard, A Loaf of Bread, Time’s End.

Robert Gibbons (top)
Robert Gibbons (bottom)

For further information about the career of Robert Faucett Gibbons, see:

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