
These pages contain stories and legends about members of the Gibbons-Walshe extended family.


This is a memory of a story told to Margaret about JB Gibbons encouraging high school senior boys by allowing them to board at his home.

Claire & John at UA

This is a memory of a story told to Margaret about how John & Claire met at the University of Alabama. Included is a tidbit about Claire at another college before University of Alabama. Claire & John(no date) Claire & John at UA

Clare Walsh

Claire Walsh

This biographical information and additional backstory about Aileen’s mother, Clare, comes from one of our Irish cousins, Linda McCann. Linda is a granddaughter of Briege Walsh (a sister of Nan and Clare). You will notice some varying spelling of names. This is something common in genealogy. Linda is a member of this website, so leave […]

How Did the Gibbons Become Protestants?

This text was found in a box of newspaper clippings by Dorothy St.Clair Essex. I may be wrong, but it bears similarities to other essays by Mary Pat Talton as seen in The Heritage of Autaga County. How Did the Gibbons Family Become Protestants? The first of our Gibbons ancestors to arrive in the state […]

JB vs The Machine

This is a memory from Margaret of a story told about James Booth Gibbons vs The Machine at the University of Alabama. James Booth Gibbons JB vs The Machine

The Code Book by Claire Gibbons St.Clair

The Code Book, An explanatory history of another great American family. Unpublished, no date.

The Walshes

Michael and Mary Clinton Walsh

This biographical information and additional backstory about several of the Walshes comes from one of our Irish cousins, Linda McCann. Linda is a granddaughter of Briege Walsh (a sister of Nan and Clare). You will notice some varying spelling of names. This is something common in genealogy. Linda is a member of this website, so […]

Uncle Cas

Mary Patt Talton tells a story about James Caswell Gibbons (1818 – 1880). This happened May 7, 2023 during a visit to the Gibbons Cemetery in Autauga County Alabama. Mary Patt Talton Uncle Cas as told by Mary Patt Talton

Unforgettable: Claire at Seventy

Unforgettable Claire St.Clair

This scrapbook created by Doria Gibbons was presented to my mother, Claire Gibbons St.Clair at her 70th birthday celebration in Murfreesboro, TN, October 1994. Memory were submitted by Uncle Bob, Aunt Hattie, Aunt Aileen, Chris Holden, Monica & Rich Kinas, Aunt Kathleen, Aunt Betty, Dorothy Essex, Milanne Sundell, Bernice Clinton, Margaret Marston, Doria Gibbons, Jack […]

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